Many people are numbing their pain, fear, and injustice with drugs, drunkenness, and counterfeits to the truth which leaves them running dry almost to the point of death and sometimes to death. May this depart from them through the love of our eternal Father in Jesus name.
Faith Like Jesus, God Loves you!!
Wednesday, July 29, 2015
Financial Freedom done in Power!!
Please listen to me and Alina as we discuss the secrets of becoming prosperous in everything you do on this earth, becoming free from the fear, worry, and doubt of money in your life forever! In Jesus name. MAY GOD bless you with this revelation and truth the HOLY SPIRIT LEAD ME TOO!!
There is a truth. That it truly is better to give than recieve, are you leaving this way?1
Tuesday, July 21, 2015
A fresh new start is what we need. the mind grows when we take that second look to pay attention to another detail, a fresh new start. when you keep making the same mistake because you haven't seen the solution, and you keep making attempts with the same strategy maybe you need to change the way you see things with a fresh start. Seek rest in God's peace, and in that rest ask God to teach you how to have a fresh new start to overcome the obstacle in your way, believe when he gives you the gut wrenching heart decision to go after this problem with that idea, take it! It will be your fresh new start to learn. why would we want to repeat routine and routine out daily life without facing the challenges especially to die to self to be of more use for your other family and brothers and sisters. the only routine is that we should be seeking to grow everyday in wisdom and knowledge and love and faith and hope and understanding. Let's get a fresh new start not one that has already been done by the world but one had challenges us to be working in a new mind set. Do you have a love worth dying for, I'm sure this will cause you to want to have a fresh start to each day, maybe a start to count all your blessings, start and count the number of your arms your eyes your fingers and toes, to count the food you ate and the clothes you wore and the words you spoke with the mind you have upheld with a fresh new start. , claim this day as your start day, knots new years Eve, for your birthday, but each and every day. each day is purposeful for you do not know the day when it will be your last. That is motivation, motivate yourself. wake up!
Did you know the only way you can live and have hope is if you believe in who you are and know God is Good!
Hope deferred maketh the heart sick: but when the desire cometh, it is a tree of life. SO know it's God's will for you to be healthy and successful, and to enjoy life.
SO Be generous with ur heart & find freedom!
Abound in faith by thanking God for already overcoming, not allowing your heart to be sick, rejoicing in who God is! How good and just he is. For we perish for lack of knowledge.
Stop thinking about who you are under a microscope and see how good God is!!
Tuesday, July 14, 2015
Ventrure Expedditions is sponsoring Paul and Me
Monday, July 13, 2015
For I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord (of sun, earth, moon, heavens,and all nations and all people!), plans for welfare and not for evil, to give you a future and a hope. Jeremiah 29:11
Instead of your shame there shall be a double portion; instead of dishonor they shall rejoice in their lot; therefore in their land they shall possess a double portion; they shall have everlasting joy Isaiah 61:7
For everyone who has been born of God (as a pure child and heir to his kingdom) overcomes the world (and all the schemes of the evil). And this is the victory that has overcome the world-- our faith!!
1 John 5:4
Our FAITH is the fight we wage war with, taking that leap into the unknown helps all things become know. Truth will set you free when you fight back evil with faith and true love, you will begin to know who you are, and understand who God is, its a promise with virtue!!! If faith is our substance of all things hoped for, and we know love is unconditional and never selfish, what is it that we need to be restored of. If we die with nothing, is understanding life even more important that having the things in life? We must hear the word of God the Bible which is alive and reads you while you read it, for "Faith comes by hearing, and hearing by the word of God" (Romans 10:17). Call out to God while you read with your full hear (now thats faith) and believe the still small voice (He could tell you to seek a mentor of true love, to quit your job, to move, whatever it is it will be an adventure, and will bring you to the desires of your heart). I truly believe things and knowledge are never able to compare to truth and understanding. If we could just understand that we don't know everything, and we perish because of deception. The deception is that faith is not important, and what is true faith? True faith is complete trust, confidence, reliance, and love in God. If we can just admit that, and realize the need for God, and want his help, and want his love then we could be free. We could learn to enjoy the the eternal rewards of faith, hope, and love ( and the fruits of the spirit; kindness, goodness, thankfulness, peace, love, joy, and rejoicing). We will be the witnesses to this! We could literally love all the people in the world with all the strength Jesus has given us to help be world changers. We will overcome the world on a daily basis as it says in 1 John5:4. Selfish glory and vain pursuits lead us to emptiness, bitterness, and lack of self control which is all equal to death of your joy and fullness in God.
Restoration is becoming a new creation, the mind of your old toxic repetitions that made your life a constant doubt, fear, negativity, complaint, untruthfulness, and selfish way. Fight! Put those ways to death today and Jesus will help you. 2 Corinthians 5:17, ESV Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation. The old has passed away; behold, the new has come.
Thursday, July 9, 2015
Most valuable
Truth is truth no matter how you look at it.
Knowledge never equals understanding.
There is more happening in our mind that we never see.
There are more attributes of your spirit then there are body. (Just think about quantum mechanics)
Living by our own experience limits our understanding and creates stubbornness and unplastic synapses in the brain.
Where the spirit of God is or known there is peace that goes beyond all our possible understanding. (Yes God's eyes ate on those who live by faith and he never misses a momment)
Anything that can go wrong will go wrong at some point... truth (hence glitches, computer crashes, and mistakes proving the bible is right and always will be right, we are all unperfect)
Everything in the bible is right and always will be truth (its a living story that becomes grafted into our being that grows our own spirit up in understanding of whom our creator and potter is!)
Never relenting fear of Death
My dear beloved!! When will you get to a point in life and realize death is knocking at your door, do you honestly fear death?
Let's be honest TO EACH OTHER. Lets start being more transparent because that is what love is, its conquering all fear together!! Do you still make decisions that limit your thinking because you want control of when you die, beloved there is a place of freedom from this fear ever creeping into your heart and causing stress and anxiety! There is hope, and no its not normal to live in this deception of fear, worry, and its not okay to like this. Wake up!! I used to get anxiety attacks at one time, it would keep me awake at night. IT WAS LIKE my heart was pounding out of my chest from the anxiety I faced from getting screamed at, harassed verbally, mentally, and from watching all those movies with murder and images of people being slain in their sleep, movies straight from hell. I know know God has given me power and authority with the words I say, i now can sense anxiety from miles away and am able to enter the truth and presence of God and destory the attack from the enemy. It says in scripture and i lnow first hand that we do have to claim victory and win this battle through the victory of Jesus. In ◄ Ephesians 6:12 it says "For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms"
.Hmmm wonder why I was affraid when all I was shown was evil things that dont even exist in the kingdom of God. When younger, I hade no greater hope or Love for something greater. I never knew the truth=no fear in love. I mean zero, zilch, nota, ever... what peace!!
I WAS MISSING JESUS in my life, I had no stronghold or solid unshakable foundation that not even the worst storm or fear of a disgusting death of being slain in my sleep could quench. But I honestly believe there is such a place of peace and rest that one can never dear death or the idea of diying for the truth!! Jesus Christ told us death has lost its sting!! Death can no longer keep us in the grave, but more importantly because Jesus my king rose again, I no longer have to be dead in my flesh (skin) for I am awake to the Holy Spirit and my inner man!! I find God's streams of Love and Joy all throughout the day and in his other wonderful people and in all creation that worships the King of Kings (Jesus). I am a son, I am in, I can boldly go into his presence and find peace by wearing the righteousness Jesus gave me!!
Do you have a faith that's worth diying for?
Seriously....ask your heart this question, can you really be hopeless and not have a reason to die knowing there is not eternal life?
There has to be eternal life!!
Look at what the Bible says.
Romans 6:9 --- knowing that Christ, having been raised from the dead, is never to die again; death no longer is master over Him.
We know Jesus was real all of history states this, and no other has kept appearing in dreams and visions to thousands across the world ever since. GOD IS SO REAL IT'S GOOD TO BE IN AWE AND STRUCK WITH THE REALIZATION THAT.....2 Corinthians 5:1
For we know that if the earthly tent which is our house is torn down (OUR FLESHLY BODY), we have a building from God (A ETERNAL SPIRIT AND SOUL), a house not made with hands, eternal in the heavens. AMEN THINK ABOUT THIS AND PRAISE GOD FOR such an amazing gift!
Have you ever based your life off of livin in some false sense of security? Think about it.... one time my parents bought ADT security as a kid to monitor the house after our first break in, and it honestly made me more aware of the fear of someone breaking in then before when we didn't have it after the break in...hahah. I would have to walk down to the basement and I would think to see a shadow and the hair on the back of my neck would stand up ahaha. Who knows it coild of been a demon, but by the power of God that thing will not stand a chance. Praise God I have never been afraid since I was saved. I use to be affraid of death all the time and I started to base the way I lived on that fear. It kept me from public speaking, from taking 24 hout car drives straight, from coaching a high school soccer team by myself, from singing out in the streets and in public while playing guitar, and working three jobs as a coach trainer & neuroduagnotic tech while in college full time serving two churches. Praise God I have done all these things through Christ who gives me strength and honestly the only fear is to fear God himself, the bible says that is the beging of wisdom!! For if God is for you, who could be against you, only Jesus decides if you go to heaven or hell, and God has his eyes on all events, not one thing is ever forgotten, even if you share a cup of water with a beloved friend or family member. We areally all family in heaven woo hoo, Amen!
Seriously I always ask my heart, if I dues today did I live knowing he loves me, and in order for me to live is to love Jesus and all people with no fear, because the truth is if there is any fear at all its not love. The bible clearly state this, and beloved it's easy to enter into this way of constant thinking, just call upon the Lord with your full heart from your own want, not being forced. :)
◄ 1 John 4:18 ►
Parallel Verses
New International Version
Wednesday, July 8, 2015
Tuesday, July 7, 2015
Give and it will be given to you!
If you need healing go pray for others, take the focus off of you and encourage others in God's love and faith. If you need money then give in faith, focus on the kingdom. See Jesus, and the enemy will flee, and the Lord can't help but bless a cheerful giver. God will provide by your faith, only by loving faith that is unwavering (not changing your mind). He will provide shaken down from heaven to earth with good measure, overflowing so that you can keep your hand open to keep giving.
Luke 6:38New Life Version (NLV)
38 “Give, and it will be given to you. You will have more than enough. It can be pushed down and shaken together and it will still run over as it is given to you. The way you give to others is the way you will receive in return.”
Be generous with ur heart & find freedom
Faith is a muscle!

Sunday, July 5, 2015
The Gospel message
- I have been REDEEMED by the blood of Jesus out of the hand of the Devil! (restored from my dark ways of sin, confusion, selfish ambitions, immorality and wastefulness). I am an new creation, the old has gone and the new has come. In the word of God it says. (below)
Ephesians 1:7New International Version (NIV)
- I have been FORGIVEN by the sacrifice Jesus made for the whole world and all believers! I am able to come and ask for forgiveness from the Lord and repent of my sin and instantly and change the way I think and be forgiven from my wrong way.
Psalm 103:12New International Version (NIV)
Acts 3:19New International Version (NIV)
- I have been CLEANSED and am constantly being cleansed each day and moment by the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ my King, Lord and best friend. I am cleansed each and every day to become more holy, more filled with the Holy Spirit renewing my mind each day so that I can be used to pour out his Word and love to all nations for healing and salvation, fulfilling his will and having the energy to complete the desires he has placed in my heart (perfecting my mind, heart, career and skills).
Hebrews 10:22New International Version (NIV)
- I have been made RIGHTEOUS by Jesus coming as the sacrifice for all the world, I have been given the adoption as a son into the eternal kingdom to receive the full righteousness and right standing with God Jesus had and has given me and all of his followers (every single person no matter what race, former religion, sex, or sin) to be able to come before him boldly with a pure/confident conscience. This open line of communication allows the Holy spirit to empower us to know what God is calling us to do each day so that we are sensitive to Gods will, and in our weakness begin to realize that he supernaturally shows up in the smallest and largest ways to make us strong in all trials and opportunities.
Romans 3:22Amplified Bible (AMP)
2 Corinthians 5:21Amplified Bible (AMP)
- I have been made at Peace with God my father and am able to enter his Presence for council, revelation, and fellowship in his Love. This is the peace that goes beyond all understanding, that allows us to always be victorious in what our God has done, is doing, and will do in the end! He favors his believers and our faith draws his eyes and his help to us through any trial.
Matthew 11:28-30Amplified Bible (AMP)
Saturday, July 4, 2015
Eyes to see
◄ Mark 12:30 ►
Parallel Verses
New International Version
Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind and with all your strength
Be generous with ur heart & find freedom
Thursday, July 2, 2015
Who are u
2 Corinthians 3:17New International Version (NIV)
Calling all the Messengers
Please if you have never gone after God for yourself to experience him you must, with your full heart and watch my sister and brother what he will do to you!! He will awaken your senses, and you will begin to claim victory in every area of your life having more time and energy for others. You will never have to become another word the Devil spits out at you, because the Holy Spirit will build you up in the word of God (the bible). You will be able to use the word of God and his constant contact with you to navigate through all the trials the world and the evil principalities through at you. In return for overcoming you will see your character change so that you can spend more time helping others, growing closer to Jesus, and fulfilling the desires of your heart (start a business, run a marathon, travel and help the nations, start a orphanage, start a book, or write music, ect)! God created all things for the good of those who love him, there is a time, place, and quantity of pleasure we were designed to take in, and all things were made for Jesus to share with us.