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Wednesday, November 11, 2015

How to ask

Until you realize what you need, you won't know what to ask for. When Adam was in the garden he looked around and saw that every animal had a mate and there's nothing that can fulfill that need in the desire of his heart cried out and he knew exactly what to ask God for, his heart's desire, and God already knows well ahead of time what that is but the joy is for us to figure it out, and have the courage to ask him to complete us. We should always realize the other person in our life or people will not complete us, but rather we get to share our full life unselfishly becoming one mind, one body. Yet a husband and wife get a new type of intimacy and that is one flesh.Until you realize what you need, you won't know what to ask for.

Seriously thank you Holy Spirit, I'm just blessed to look at my wife.

According to Greek and Hebrew the translation was Adam was already complete but God knew what Adam desired and what would be best for him well before, so he took not just Adam's rib a part of his spirit and personality so that two could become one. Hence why God referred to Eve as Adam, and why the woman takes on the man's last name because God sees them as one before his eyes. What a wonderful mystery. So exciting!! Praise God well done!

1 comment:

  1. Mark 10:8 ...and the two will become one flesh.' So they are no longer two, but one flesh...
