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In Jesus Name Apparel Store
In Jesus Name Apparel Store (wear your faith and bring fame to Jesus) Check it out today click on picture above.

Wednesday, December 23, 2015

Sin vs Love

I am no longer alive to  sin (the flesh), I am alive in Christ. I get to be a child of God not by anything I did, because while I was unlovely he loved me and showed me how to live a life of power, faith, and love in the Gospel! 

Thus David congratulates the man and pronounces a blessing on him to whom God credits righteousness apart from the works he does: Blessed and happy and to be envied are those whose iniquities are forgiven and whose sins are covered up and completely buried. Blessed and happy and to be envied is the person of whose sin the Lord will take no account nor reckon it against him. [Ps. 32:1, 2.]
Romans 4:6-8 AMP

Are you hungry to know God and his rughteousness, to have right standing with God so he can judge you as saved, forgiven, redeemed, and freed by the love,mercy, and grace of Jesus? Has your empty broken heart acknowledged the selfishness, the lack of love, laziness to do wonderful things before you die, and how short of a time you have to figure out truth, and why your alive? We must hunger to know God and to constantly be in right standing with him through Jesus Christ and the power of the Holy Spirit by faith we can be christ like and free from guilt and shame ans enter before him in the holy of holies. I promise he will fill you if you truly humble yourself before his great love and righteousness!

Saturday, December 19, 2015


I know God my father by his faith I don't waver I keep it constant, I don't need to follow some set of laws to know this or to get closer to him, where would there be room for maturing, growth, grace, mercy, love, power to humble oneself and share the gospel without legalism ....

Allows to only show you how much you need God not to show you how much you need to do to get to God

Tuesday, December 15, 2015



All I ever thought

All I ever knew

All I ever tasted

All I ever seen

All I ever believed

All I ever need

All... is Jesus Christ Forever



and EVER.

Sacred Love in Marriage

Dont believe all you see and hear open your ears!

Wow I love being straight and do all that I was created for! I am proud of the way this life works, how the most important things we need could never be bought steming from the heart and Spirit (where all of morality is placed(peace to retain, love to unite, kindness to open friendships, goodness to keep others safe when in need, self control to deffend yourself from being addicted and sucking the life from others, power to stand up for truth destroying evil ways, grace for those who are not hypocrits, faith to protect our minds and keep us from relying in the true government of God, hope to know ths life is short and heaven is knocking at your door, joy as a strength to laugh at all foolish things people think are popular (unique is okay with me be yourself)  prayer to set up the kingdom of God, passion to develope your talent and keep your job, authority to judge what is true and what is a theology or a lie, worship to thank God for all he has done and be filled, imagination to create realities, freedom that all things are possible with God, and ect (there are trillion of things to list ahah like counting each neuron that didnt die today)! I  was created to be with a woman naturally and there is nothing more sacred when two become one through and under God and can have children, its a deep spiritual union  that all of hell and he world cant break, there is power there to create new life, there is hummility that lets you give your life to the other person even to the point of death, there is encouragment that allows you to sing/speak/and create more love than ever before, agreement to set up the future path of victory and joy in all areas of life, and a love from Jesus that will not only raise us from the dead one day to the heavens but keep me and Victoria in complete peace and unity enjoying each other as a true blessing and gift from God.

Truley if you believe you would live and walk out your faith, that a kiss does awaken love and this love should only be with the one God has made for you, but how could someone know thay person if they didn't know God. I needed Gods mercy for all knowledge I didnt have about this truth! Simply the Spirit led me, I only had to lay down my own persuit of a wife and I prayed "Lord you created the perfect wife for me, one who does have true faith and strength in Joy for the trutb, I want a woman who is after God's heart, that is so in love with Jesus that I wont be able to recognize her until our hearts connect equally in our belief so that we wont be a stumblimg block to each others opportunities. This was my prayer so we can share our life  with each other only encouraging each others talents (victoria's joy/faith/love/boldness to do anything ect)and abilities the Lord gave, so we could grow and learn those abilities for tbe broken world! To ultimately share this Gospel of freedom in the Spirit!