In Jesus Name Apparel Store

In Jesus Name Apparel Store
In Jesus Name Apparel Store (wear your faith and bring fame to Jesus) Check it out today click on picture above.

Thursday, August 13, 2015


We are all built to serve one another oh, it's in our heart, its our greatest passion coming from our Gos given creative mind , whether you like to build things for people or whether you like to advise people or whether you'd like to help people, however your career takes you it will always be a form of service to another person, even entertainment falls under that. Jesus showed  to serve with the most joy, the highest expectations, with sound faith, it destroyed all the evil disgusting toxic schemes that try to destroy people's lives. Love came down and set us free to never be subject to a failed life

Tuesday, August 11, 2015

The Rest

There is a rest we can enter everyday so that we can be complete in our design. God gave us the ability through Jesus to come enter into his presence through his word and focus of the mind on the true knowledge of who God is. Think about this how much do you do in a day, imagine  if you spent just 1 hour everyday to purposefully practice what you believe and start reading the Bible with faith and claim their promise with your own lips and talk to God like you talk to your friends. Watch what will happen, this rest will create a relationship, see what happens!! You will become stronger, you will see things from a different light, you will have more virtue, wisdom and love for others. You will be renewed!! So many false doctrines are out there about the Sabbath and that we must have a day of rest for the Lord on Sunday or Saturday, but I tell you that command was a sign of things to come. Through Jesus and his payment for my sin, I am able to enter rest each and everyday to grow, produce, succeed, love, and become wiser and full of knowledge for the growth of my Father's kingdom!!  Jesus dose not have to get back up on the cross and pay for your sins again so that you can enter that rest, you don't have to fast, pray, and do good deeds to obtain this rest. It's already been paid for!! There is nothing we can do to make a equal payment for what has already been accomplished by God. Where is our motive???? We should instead do good deeds just because we enjoy to and we love to because we have been transformed not out of guilt or condemnation, for you are not free unless you realize it's by the Grace of God that we receive this gift of rest. So yes go to church and pray but if you do this as a effort to earn things instead of receiving  them freely you have not and will not enter his rest. God is resting right now in his cr