In Jesus Name Apparel Store

In Jesus Name Apparel Store
In Jesus Name Apparel Store (wear your faith and bring fame to Jesus) Check it out today click on picture above.

Thursday, October 29, 2015


I was from a generation where they always said don't get your hopes up, what a stupid thing to say!!! Purely stinking thinking, could be killing your brain cells with stress hormones, and just think we're just one chemical away from being out of balance lol. we want to be even more hopeful, even more positive than the other negative mindas around us so that we aren't defeated in any way, well praise God he is love

Please instead realize that hope believes in all things that are from divine love, a love that creates relationship and communication, not just subject to material things

 don't get your hopes up is almost like saying don't dream, don't believe that you can do anything, you might as well call that person stupid person, how dumb can you get and still breathe?

Stop letting other people paint your future