My dear beloved!! When will you get to a point in life and realize death is knocking at your door, do you honestly fear death?
Let's be honest TO EACH OTHER. Lets start being more transparent because that is what love is, its conquering all fear together!! Do you still make decisions that limit your thinking because you want control of when you die, beloved there is a place of freedom from this fear ever creeping into your heart and causing stress and anxiety! There is hope, and no its not normal to live in this deception of fear, worry, and its not okay to like this. Wake up!! I used to get anxiety attacks at one time, it would keep me awake at night. IT WAS LIKE my heart was pounding out of my chest from the anxiety I faced from getting screamed at, harassed verbally, mentally, and from watching all those movies with murder and images of people being slain in their sleep, movies straight from hell. I know know God has given me power and authority with the words I say, i now can sense anxiety from miles away and am able to enter the truth and presence of God and destory the attack from the enemy. It says in scripture and i lnow first hand that we do have to claim victory and win this battle through the victory of Jesus. In ◄ Ephesians 6:12 it says "For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms"
.Hmmm wonder why I was affraid when all I was shown was evil things that dont even exist in the kingdom of God. When younger, I hade no greater hope or Love for something greater. I never knew the truth=no fear in love. I mean zero, zilch, nota, ever... what peace!!
I WAS MISSING JESUS in my life, I had no stronghold or solid unshakable foundation that not even the worst storm or fear of a disgusting death of being slain in my sleep could quench. But I honestly believe there is such a place of peace and rest that one can never dear death or the idea of diying for the truth!! Jesus Christ told us death has lost its sting!! Death can no longer keep us in the grave, but more importantly because Jesus my king rose again, I no longer have to be dead in my flesh (skin) for I am awake to the Holy Spirit and my inner man!! I find God's streams of Love and Joy all throughout the day and in his other wonderful people and in all creation that worships the King of Kings (Jesus). I am a son, I am in, I can boldly go into his presence and find peace by wearing the righteousness Jesus gave me!!
Do you have a faith that's worth diying for?
Seriously....ask your heart this question, can you really be hopeless and not have a reason to die knowing there is not eternal life?
There has to be eternal life!!
Look at what the Bible says.
Romans 6:9 --- knowing that Christ, having been raised from the dead, is never to die again; death no longer is master over Him.
We know Jesus was real all of history states this, and no other has kept appearing in dreams and visions to thousands across the world ever since. GOD IS SO REAL IT'S GOOD TO BE IN AWE AND STRUCK WITH THE REALIZATION THAT.....2 Corinthians 5:1
For we know that if the earthly tent which is our house is torn down (OUR FLESHLY BODY), we have a building from God (A ETERNAL SPIRIT AND SOUL), a house not made with hands, eternal in the heavens. AMEN THINK ABOUT THIS AND PRAISE GOD FOR such an amazing gift!
Have you ever based your life off of livin in some false sense of security? Think about it.... one time my parents bought ADT security as a kid to monitor the house after our first break in, and it honestly made me more aware of the fear of someone breaking in then before when we didn't have it after the break in...hahah. I would have to walk down to the basement and I would think to see a shadow and the hair on the back of my neck would stand up ahaha. Who knows it coild of been a demon, but by the power of God that thing will not stand a chance. Praise God I have never been afraid since I was saved. I use to be affraid of death all the time and I started to base the way I lived on that fear. It kept me from public speaking, from taking 24 hout car drives straight, from coaching a high school soccer team by myself, from singing out in the streets and in public while playing guitar, and working three jobs as a coach trainer & neuroduagnotic tech while in college full time serving two churches. Praise God I have done all these things through Christ who gives me strength and honestly the only fear is to fear God himself, the bible says that is the beging of wisdom!! For if God is for you, who could be against you, only Jesus decides if you go to heaven or hell, and God has his eyes on all events, not one thing is ever forgotten, even if you share a cup of water with a beloved friend or family member. We areally all family in heaven woo hoo, Amen!
Seriously I always ask my heart, if I dues today did I live knowing he loves me, and in order for me to live is to love Jesus and all people with no fear, because the truth is if there is any fear at all its not love. The bible clearly state this, and beloved it's easy to enter into this way of constant thinking, just call upon the Lord with your full heart from your own want, not being forced. :)
◄ 1 John 4:18 ►
Parallel Verses
New International Version
There is no fear in love. But perfect love drives out fear, because fear has to do with punishment. The one who fears is not made perfect in love.